Thursday, October 9, 2008

P: Find to Close, then Close to Find!

Don't just find for finding's sake - don't find, to find.

In other words, don't prospect, or find, just to pat yourself on the back that you did your 30 calls. Find to close. Every call you make, every door you knock on, every person you talk to should be with the intention of closing the deal. This perspective helps you to be diligent, with the right focus, while prospecting.

Then, once you've closed a deal, find! Use that new customer for referrals. You can let them know from the very beginning that you intend to take such good care of them and provide such a valuable service that they would be happy to refer other businesses to you. During the sales process and after the close, ask for referrals - when the time and opportunity is right.

Don't find to find. Find to close, then close to find!

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