Tuesday, September 23, 2008

P: You are a FINDER! That's it.

You are not a salesman. You are not a prioritizer. You are not a closer. You are a finder! A full-time, full-fledged finder! Once you realize that, and practice it, you will begin to experience consistent success.

When looking at your day, ask yourself, how can I organize my time so that the majority of my time is spent finding? Put off, until after hours, those things that are the details of the job. Then fill in all the other time with finding. Cold calling, door knocking, networking, asking for referrals while on any appointment, etc. Ask yourself: Am I moving mountains in order to find the most business I can?

And then when you find, qualify! Don't waste your time with those who are not ready for you or your service. When you spend the majority of your time finding, you are entitled to spend your selling time only with those who are truly interested.

You are a finder - that's it.

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